In the meantime, my Thirty-One consulting was lifting off and I was picking up tutoring clients as the school year began. My evenings were consumed with my fun, little jobs. We have not discussed adoption since early August mainly because we have been busy being happy just the way things were.
Sometimes when you are busy being happy, things just happen....for a reason. After my Soul Searching, literally the day after, we found out we were expecting. With emotions of excitement, shock, and nervousness we now begin another lengthy nine months of pregnancy. Being pregnant has made me happy. I have not had any feeling of doubt, but instead hope and faith that this pregnancy WILL end happily. I am extremely hopeful and confident in my doctors and my prenatal care/plan. I am already in the 2nd trimester and have already had 3 ultrasounds. Things are looking good!
Please keep my family and I in your prayers as we continue our journey to obtain our rainbow baby in April. (A baby born after a previous baby death).
What I want this time:
1. Cards congratulating me on the birth of my new child.
2. Smiling, happy visitors at the hospital.
3. A planned c-section.
4. To hear my baby cry when he/she is born.
What I DON'T want:
1. Sympathy Cards.
2. To leave the hospital empty handed.
3. Have to make funeral arrangements.
4. Say goodbye before I say hello.
5. My prayers to go unheard.
6. To grieve the loss of another child.