Monday, May 20, 2013


And we're back! Phew! It has been a VERY busy few weeks.  I completely forgot what it was like to care for a newborn and throw a 2 1/2 year old into the mix and you have a whirlwind! There have been a few adjustment to my daily routine:

1. I go to bed WAY before 10 PM.
2. There is NO way to keep my house clean and orderly.
3.  Dark circles are now a wardrobe must!
4. The crock-pot is my new best friend.
5. We rarely leave the house for two reasons: a) I don't feel comfortable or confident enough to nurse in a public place and b) Brady is completely unpredictable.
6. My biceps are getting back in shape b/c I carry 12 lbs around most of the day.

That said, I am loving every minute of it...well, most minutes.  

Collin is now 6 weeks old

Since I have posted last, we got Collin baptized along with his cousin Jocelyn. (Also a Rainbow baby) It was extra special this year because we chose Mother's day to get the babies baptized AND because last year at this very time, we were memorializing our 2nd born babies, not knowing that two new lives would be born just one year later.

Life is Good!

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